Take Care of your Images

Medical images are a valuable asset

Medical images offer an enormous amount of information for you and your doctor. Even when the examination revealed no specific findings, it remains a crucial snapshot of your current physical state, and can serve as an extremely important reference source at any time in the future. Comparison with previous images often serve as an important parameter to clinical decisions whether a particular findinds merrits further investigation. 

You may want to obtain copies of your medical images so that you can bring them with you to a doctor's appointment. Obtaining and storing copies of your own medical images may be helpful for patients who are:

  • Seeing a physician for a second opinion 
  • Being referred to a specialist 
  • Undergoing treatment for cancer or a medical condition that requires monitoring over time
  • Having imaging performed at a new facility
  • Keeping a comprehensive personal health record (PHR)

In case of an unscheduled doctor visit or medical emergency, having your own medical images as well as your detailed medical history may help prevent a delay in diagnosis or treatment. 

Providing your doctor with access to your medical images and radiology reports allows your physician to:

  • Compare new images with previous medical images (this is especially important for the radiologist interpreting your radiology test)
  • Monitor conditions and abnormalities over time 
  • Avoid repeating tests you've already had

Being able to review your medical images with your physician during medical appointments may help you better understand your condition and participate in your care.


Text adapted from Radiologyinfo.org