Multicentric Study Initiative


  1. To enhance the output of collaborative clinical Imaging research in Belgium a platform will be created that facilitates multi-centric data collection.
    • Using open source/access software, the following instruments will be put in place
    • Secured HIPAA compliant database, deployed on the web, access only for collaborators
    • blue-prints for institutional ethical review board.
    • collaboration platform
    • collaboration library, access only for collaborators
    • The integrity of the studies will be warranted by the scientific councel (Prof. dr. R. Oyen) of the BSR

  2. When response is satisfactory and this process is successful, multicentric HIPAA compliant registries may be started up in the future (eg outcome studies in interventional procedures, cost-benefit analysis..).

  3. A real world example is already avalaible: shoulder elbow platform: a dutch platform to stimulate, educate and facilitate MD PhD candidates and Orthopaedic Residents with a special interest in the shoulder and elbow.
    Collaboration of interested Belgian radiologists is asked and will be highly appreciated.