YRS Membership


As we are a BSR subsidary we are a product of that organisation, there is no seperate YRS membership! We recommend all radiologists in training to become active members of the BSR, residents only pay around €50 / year.

By paying for your national annual membership you automatically become a member of the ESR as well and you support a nationwide network that will stand up to protect your current and future needs careerwise.

Active members get, for example*:

- A discount when attending the annual meeting

- ESR membership (advantages click here)

- Free publications in the JBSR (otherwise £220) (JBSR website)

- Optional software discounts (deadline for 2020 has passed, contact us for more information);

Imaios FREE for active members, (if registered before deadline, otherwise €59)

Radprimer for active members (€191 if registered before deadline, in stead of €499).


These advantages and optional software deals are only available for active BSR members that are residents in training!! Not yet a member? Click below, now that you are informed, it's a no-brainer!