4th Leuven Course on Head and Neck Imaging: From Symptom to Diagnosis 9-11/06/2022

4th Leuven Course on Head and Neck Imaging: From Symptom to Diagnosis 9-11/06/2022

Course objectives 

Starting from the patients’ signs or symptoms in the head and neck region, the most efficient radiological approach to make the diagnosis will be defined. For each topic, the relevant underlying anatomy will be reviewed, the optimal imaging strategy discussed, and the possible abnormal findings on imaging illustrated. How to limit the differential diagnostic list by combining the clinical information and imaging findings will be addressed, where appropriate. Apart from lectures, practical teaching will be done during workshops, where the participants will have the opportunity to test and expand their knowledge by reviewing clinical cases, with direct feedback from the teachers.


  • Ilona M. Schmalfuss, MD, Gainesville, Florida, USA
  • Ann D. King, MD, Shatin, Hong Kong, China
  • Berit Verbist, MD, PhD, Leiden, The Netherlands
  • Davide Farina, MD, Brescia, Italy
  • Robert Hermans, MD, PhD, Leuven, Belgium

Programme and registration

The course will be entirely online. The detailed programme can be found on www.headandneckimaging.be.

The registration form is available on online.