Reminder Section Pediatric Radiology
Reminder Section Pediatric Radiology
Dear Colleagues
The next meeting of the BSR section Pediatric Radiology will take place on Thursday, December 3rd, 2020, 19h30. Due to Covid we decided for a full online meeting by zoom.
This meeting will replace the meetings in AZ Middelheim, September 22nd and in Ixelles, November 25th.
We herewith friendly remind you of our request to send the title of your presentation (10 minutes, discussion included) to dr. Breysem at before Friday, November 26th, 2020.
Speakers do not have to send their presentation beforehand, since each one will share his/her own powerpoint while presenting. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Accreditation will be requested once the programme is known.
Looking forward to “meeting” you at this occasion.
Best regards
Dr. B. Desprechins, Section Secretary
Dr. L. Breysem, Section Chairperson